Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Control Stress by Caring for Families

Workplace stress takes its toll on employees just like combat and training stress take a toll on soldiers. Businesses can use the same stress control techniques as the military finds successful for soldiers in these high pressure situations.

The stress triggers of combat seem obvious, but to the uninitiated, it is difficult to explain just how stressful things can be for soldiers in the peacetime training and unit maintenance environment.

When soldiers get ready for battle, stress control is so important that trained stress specialists consult with commanders to monitor and control stress levels for both soldiers and their families.

Knowing that family members are well cared for is a big relief for combat soldiers, so every unit is charged with establishing family support groups to help with every concern.

These efforts help control stress among deployed soldiers and help families deal with their soldier’s absence.

Can you identify three things your company can do to help families during the high-stress periods in your organization? You can use this to help control stress among your highly productive, dedicated employees.

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