While businesses can't control all external stressors, action can be taken to minimize internal stressors such as the following:
- Unreasonable expectations for greater productivity, manufacturing or administrative
- Positioning people in jobs that do not use skills and abilities
- Underpaying for the level of responsibility assigned to individuals
- Vague and arbitrary promotion policies
- Management's failure to consider employees' perspectives in decisions affecting their jobs
- Excessive overtime with or without compensation
- Arbitrary assignment of unpleasant tasks
- Failure to enforce policies for some individuals
- Poor top-down and bottom-up communications procedures
- Poor problem-solving strategies or mediation of conflicts between employees
- Family separation, through transfers or frequent business trips
- Demonstrated lack of concern for employees' welfare
- Intolerable environmental conditions -- temperature, hazardous, noise, light, odors, and so on.
2. Determine how many of these you have.
3. Consult with your team members to find ways to alleviate the stressors.
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